SOL Conference returned after a four-year break and was a resounding success!
Best Poster Presentation
Awarded to: Sonali Munot
Title: Sex-Related Disparity in Bystander Response
Organisation: Westmead Applied Research Centre
Best Free Paper Presentations
First Aid/BLS/Pre-Hospital Session
Awarded to: Brian Haskins
Title: Survivor’s 1 yr. Quality-of-life by shock provider
Organisation: Victoria University
Awarded to: Dharmesh Shah
Title: EtCO2 for preterm infant resuscitation at birth
Organisation: Westmead Hospital, NSW
ALS/In Hospital
Awarded to: Charlotte Kennedy
Title: Effect of covid-19 on EMS witnessed OHCA
Organisation: Ambulance Victoria & Monash University
ECR – New Investigator Award
Awarded to: Christopher Smith
Title: A drone-delivered defibrillation system for the UK
Organisation: Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick
Another Great SOL Conference!
Neonatal Satellite Meeting – 9 May 2019
Best Free Paper Presentation
Awarded to: Eoin O´Currain
Paper title: “Respiratory Monitors to Teach Newborn Facemask Ventilation: An RCT”
Department/Organisation: Newborn Research Centre, The Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne
Best Poster Presentation
Awarded to: Hannah Dalrymple1,2, Browning-Carmo, Kathryn1,3
Poster title: “Improving Intubation Success in Transport”
Department/Organisation: 1Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service (NETS) NSW, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Prince Alfred Newborn Care, Sydney, Australia, 3Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care, CHW, Sydney, Australia
SOL Conference – 10/11 May 2019
Best Free Paper Presentations
Awarded to: David Joughin
Paper title: “Organ and Tissue Donation After Resuscitation from Cardiac Arrest”
Department/Organisation: Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, NSW
Awarded to: Brian Haskins – Commendation
Paper title: “Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes According To The Level Of Training And The Relationship To The Patient Of The Person Providing Bystander CPR”
Department/Organisation: NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Pre-hospital Emergency Care Australia and New Zealand (PEC-ANZ), Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria
Awarded to: Zakary Doherty – recognition as both novice and rural
Paper title: “Short and Long-Term Survival Following In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”
Department/Organisation: Monash University, Bendigo, Victoria
Best Poster Presentation
Awarded to: Stephen Ball
Poster title: “Optimizing Public Defibrillator Locations – A Case Study in Albany, WA”
Organisation/City: Curtin University, Perth
Spark of Life 2019 Conference Links
12th Spark of Life Programme, Abstracts and Information (1.1 MB)
Another Successful SOL Conference!
Best Free Paper Presentation
Awarded to: Dr Ben BECK
Paper Title: Epidemiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Australia and New Zealand: results from the Aus-ROC OHCA Epistry
Department/Organisation: Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria
Best Poster Presentation (Joint Winners)
Awarded to: Natalie ANDERSON
Poster Title: Beyond Prognostication: An Exploratory Study Of Ambulance Officers’ Resuscitation Decision-Making
Department/Organisation: Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, University of Auckland and Adult Emergency Department, Auckland DHB, Auckland, New Zealand
Awarded to: Prof John PEARN
Poster Title: “The Long Dive” – Aquatic safety, voluntary endurance breath holding, aquatic activities and competition
Department/Organisation: Royal Life Saving Society Australia and Lady Cilento Hospital, Sydney, NSW
Spark of Life 2017 Conference Links
11th Spark of Life Conference Programme Abstracts and Information May 2017 (1.6MB)