
ALS1/ILS Candidate Feedback Form

ALS1/ILS Candidate Feedback Form

ALS1/ILS Candidate Feedback Form

ALS2/ALS Candidate Feedback Form

ALS2/ALS Candidate Feedback Form

ALS2/ALS Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/Half day face-to-face ALS1 Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/Half day face-to-face ALS1 Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/Half day face-to-face ALS1 Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/On-Line + face-to-face ALS2 Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/On-Line + face-to-face ALS2 Candidate Feedback Form

Remote/On-Line + face-to-face ALS2 Candidate Feedback Form

Candidates identified as IP
Those identified as IP can then attend an Instructor Course. The Instructor Course uses contemporary theories of adult education in ALS and assists instructor development adding to the skills and knowledge already demonstrated by the potential instructor. In the event the candidate has already attended an Instructor Course recognised by the ARC (e.g. EMST/GIC/NZRC etc) the ARC may recognise this prior learning and these candidates move straight to Instructor Candidate (IC) status.