ARC Instructor Courses

The Australian Resuscitation Council is recommencing Instructor Training Courses in 2025.

  • If you have been nominated for ALS1 or ALS2 Instructor Potential (IP) on an Australian Resuscitation Council ALS course, please complete the expression of interest form here:

Instructor Course Expression of Interest Form

  • If you are a current instructor with RCUK, ERC, NZ Resuscitation Council or APLS please complete this form:

Current Instructor Expression of Interest Form

Instructor Courses: The new Instructor Course will be a Generic Instructor Course (designed for both ALS1 and ALS2 IP).

The course includes theory of adult learning, cognitive load/memory theory and workshops on teaching, assessment and delivering feedback. Practical sessions include teaching a skill, delivery of a discussion/workshop, teaching and assessing scenarios. In a safe and controlled environment Instructor course participants gain the attributes and skills required of Australian Resuscitation Council Instructors through experiential learning, group dynamics, situated learning and reflective practice throughout the course.

Participants will reflect on their demonstrated performance following delivery of the education with feedback guided by the faculty members. Feedback will increase participants awareness of the role of an Australian Resuscitation Council ALS Instructor. Participants will learn from each other as well as the faculty. Feedback is delivered with integrity in a constructive manner using a model based upon advocacy with inquiry.

Assessment is continuous throughout the course. This course equips candidates with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to perform the role of an ALS Instructor. To gain a successful pass in the Australian Resuscitation Council Instructor Courses in addition to attendance, participants will undertake a number of opportunities to show skill in the delivery of the educational material assigned (in micro teach sessions) including:

    • Teaching a ‘Skill’ (e.g. one component of the airway skill station)
    • Instructing a ‘CASTeach’ session
    • Taking the lead in an ‘Assessment’, demonstrating formative and summative techniques
    • Leading a ‘Closed Discussion’

Demonstrating ALS Instruction during the course: During teaching, assessment, and feedback sessions, participants will be educating the other members of their participant group and one of the Instructor Course Faculty. Whilst the clinical material taught should reflect the current Australian Resuscitation Council ALS material/manual, ultimately it is the interpersonal, communication and teaching skills that are assessed on these courses.

The Australian Resuscitation Council courses are multidisciplinary/inter-professional, which aims to provide a standardised approach for the technical skills in management of crisis events. The information used on all sessions of the course comes from the core material.