SOL Conference returned after a four-year break and was a resounding success! 

Best Poster Presentation

Awarded to: Sonali Munot
Title: Sex-Related Disparity in Bystander Response
Organisation: Westmead Applied Research Centre

Best Free Paper Presentations

First Aid/BLS/Pre-Hospital Session
Awarded to: Brian Haskins
Title: Survivor’s 1 yr. Quality-of-life by shock provider
Organisation: Victoria University

Awarded to: Dharmesh Shah
Title: EtCO2 for preterm infant resuscitation at birth
Organisation: Westmead Hospital, NSW

ALS/In Hospital
Awarded to: Charlotte Kennedy
Title: Effect of covid-19 on EMS witnessed OHCA
Organisation: Ambulance Victoria & Monash University

ECR – New Investigator Award

Awarded to: Christopher Smith
Title: A drone-delivered defibrillation system for the UK
Organisation: Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick

Another Great SOL Conference!


12th International Spark of Life Conference

12th International Spark of Life Conference

Neonatal Satellite Meeting – 9 May 2019

Best Free Paper Presentation

Awarded to: Eoin O´Currain
Paper title: “Respiratory Monitors to Teach Newborn Facemask Ventilation: An RCT”
Department/Organisation: Newborn Research Centre, The Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne

Best Poster Presentation

Awarded to: Hannah Dalrymple1,2, Browning-Carmo, Kathryn1,3
Poster title: “Improving Intubation Success in Transport”
Department/Organisation: 1Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service (NETS) NSW, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Prince Alfred Newborn Care, Sydney, Australia, 3Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care, CHW, Sydney, Australia

SOL Conference – 10/11 May 2019

Best Free Paper Presentations

Awarded to: David Joughin
Paper title: “Organ and Tissue Donation After Resuscitation from Cardiac Arrest”
Department/Organisation: Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, NSW

Awarded to: Brian Haskins – Commendation
Paper title: “Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes According To The Level Of Training And The Relationship To The Patient Of The Person Providing Bystander CPR”
Department/Organisation: NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Pre-hospital Emergency Care Australia and New Zealand (PEC-ANZ), Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria

Awarded to: Zakary Doherty – recognition as both novice and rural
Paper title: “Short and Long-Term Survival Following In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”
Department/Organisation: Monash University, Bendigo, Victoria

Best Poster Presentation

Awarded to: Stephen Ball
Poster title: “Optimizing Public Defibrillator Locations – A Case Study in Albany, WA”
Organisation/City: Curtin University, Perth

Spark of Life 2019 Conference Links

12th Spark of Life Programme, Abstracts and Information (1.1 MB)

Another Successful SOL Conference!


Spark of Life 2017 Adelaide

Spark of Life 2017 Adelaide

Best Free Paper Presentation

Awarded to: Dr Ben BECK
Paper Title: Epidemiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Australia and New Zealand: results from the Aus-ROC OHCA Epistry
Department/Organisation: Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria

Best Poster Presentation (Joint Winners)

Awarded to: Natalie ANDERSON
Poster Title: Beyond Prognostication: An Exploratory Study Of Ambulance Officers’ Resuscitation Decision-Making
Department/Organisation: Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, University of Auckland and Adult Emergency Department, Auckland DHB, Auckland, New Zealand

Awarded to: Prof John PEARN
Poster Title: “The Long Dive” – Aquatic safety, voluntary endurance breath holding, aquatic activities and competition
Department/Organisation: Royal Life Saving Society Australia and Lady Cilento Hospital, Sydney, NSW

Spark of Life 2017 Conference Links

11th Spark of Life Conference Programme Abstracts and Information May 2017 (1.6MB)