Another great SOL conference comes to a close
Great speakers and a great audience
See you in Brisbane 29 April - 1 May 2021
Details to follow
The twelfth International “Spark of Life” Conference will be held in Sydney, NSW 9-11 May 2019 with the theme
“Resuscitation – it’s about time”.
The scientific content of the program promises to deliver the latest resuscitation science and importantly its translation to resuscitation practice, thereby strengthening each of the links in the “chain of survival“.
A faculty of international and Australian speakers with expertise in many facets of resuscitation have accepted our invitation to participate in the conference.
The conference program is designed to ensure the content will be relevant and informative to all involved in resuscitation teaching and practice.
This conference is being held at the International Convention Centre Sydney on Darling Harbour.
Consistent with previous Spark of Life conferences, a significant Trade Exhibition will give conference participants the opportunity to view and explore the latest in resuscitation equipment and training materials.
The Spark of Life conference provides an excellent opportunity to update knowledge as well as meet with old friends and make new acquaintances.
I warmly welcome you to attend the 12th Spark of Life conference and look forward to meeting you in Sydney in 2019.

Professor Peter Morley
ARC National Chairman
International Keynote Speakers
Dr Andy Lockey (UK)

Dr Andy Lockey has been a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Calderdale & Huddersfield Foundation Trust in the UK since April 2002.
Prof. Susan Niermeyer (USA)

Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH is Professor of Pediatrics in the Section of Neonatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine at the Anschutz Medical Center.
Prof. Colm O'Donnell (Dublin)

Colm O’Donnell is a Consultant Neonatologist at the National Maternity Hospital; Professor at the UCD School of Medicine; and Director of Clinical Research at the National Children’s Research Centre, all in Dublin, Ireland.
Dr Theresa Olasveengen (Norway)

Dr Olasveengen is a senior researcher and anaesthesiologist at Oslo University Hospital with a broad interest in cardiac arrest research; from qualitative studies in emergency medical dispatch to clinical studies, randomized trials and basic animal research.
Australasian Visitor
Dr Richard Aickin

Richard is Chairman of both the New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC) and the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR) as well as Vice Chair of the ILCOR Paediatric task force. He is a Paediatric Emergency Physician at the Starship Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sponsorship and Trade Exhibits
Sponsorship Categories
Platinum Sponsor (One Only)
Major Sponsor
Cocktail Reception Sponsor
Dinner Sponsor (One Only)
The Speakers

Dr Andy Lockey (UK)
Dr Andy Lockey has been a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Calderdale & Huddersfield Foundation Trust in the UK since April 2002. In addition to this role, he is an Associate Dean for Health Education England (covering Yorkshire & the Humber).
Andy has been actively involved with resuscitation training since 1993, when he became an ALS instructor. He was invited to be the first 'Trainee Representative' on the RC(UK) ALS Sub-Committee in 1999 and went on to chair that committee from 2004 to 2011. During this time, he oversaw the implementation and validation of the e-ALS course.
He has been a Trustee of RC(UK) since 2011. Further afield, Andy has been an active member of the ILCOR EIT Taskforce since 2010 and is currently a Domain Lead as well. He has also been tasked to co-lead on the ILCOR World Restart a Heart initiative.

Professor Susan Niermeyer (USA)
Susan Niermeyer MD, MPH is Professor of Paediatrics in the Section of Neonatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine at the Anschutz Medical Centre. She practices and teaches at Children’s Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado Hospital, and community hospital nurseries in the Denver area. She also serves as faculty in epidemiology and the Centre for Global Health at the Colorado School of Public Health.
Susan’s clinical and educational areas of emphasis include neonatal resuscitation, cardiopulmonary physiology in infancy, and global neonatal survival. She has served as co-chair of the American Academy of Paediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program Steering Committee and editor of the ILCOR (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation) neonatal resuscitation guidelines in 2000.
She currently serves as editor-in-chief for Helping Babies Breathe, the AAP educational program for neonatal resuscitation in resource-limited settings, and continuity editor for the suite of Helping Babies Survive programs, including also Essential Care for Every Baby and Essential Care for Small Babies.
Susan’s research interests centre on adaptation in the neonatal period, with a focus on cardiopulmonary adaptation and low birth weight at high altitude. Her high-altitude research has included study of infant oxygenation in Lhasa, Tibet, studies of infant birth weight and cardiopulmonary adaptation in La Paz, Bolivia, studies of pulmonary hypertension and cardiopathies in Peruvian children, and pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart disease at moderate to high altitude in Colorado.
Underlying her interest in neonatal resuscitation and high-altitude physiology is a strong commitment to the health of children around the world, especially those in isolated and resource-constrained regions. This is reflected in her continuing role with the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) in development and implementation of the Helping Babies Survive suite of educational materials, aimed at reducing the major causes of newborn deaths and improving global neonatal survival. She is also a Senior Medical Advisor for Newborn Health with the United States Agency for International Development and technical consultant to the World Health Organization for development of global programs in perinatal education.

Professor Jerry Nolan (UK)
Jerry Nolan is a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK and Honorary Professor of Resuscitation Medicine at the University of Bristol, UK.
He trained at Bristol Medical School and undertook anaesthesia and critical care training in the UK in Plymouth, Bristol, Bath and Southampton, and at the Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore in the United States.
Jerry is Chairman of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), Editor-in-Chief of the journal Resuscitation and Chairman of the UK National Cardiac Arrest Audit Steering Group. He was a previous Co-chairman of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and co-editor for the 2015 International Consensus on CPR Science with Treatment Recommendations.
Jerry’s research interests are in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway management, and post-cardiac arrest treatment.

Professor Colm O'Donnell (Dublin)
Colm O’Donnell is a Consultant Neonatologist at the National Maternity Hospital; Professor at the UCD School of Medicine; and Director of Clinical Research at the National Children’s Research Centre, all in Dublin, Ireland. He worked in General Medicine and Paediatrics in Ireland before moving to Melbourne, Australia to pursue further training in Neonatology. He completed a Fellowship and was a Consultant Neonatologist at the Royal Women’s Hospital and at NETS Victoria; and was awarded a PhD by the University of Melbourne for his research on resuscitation of newborns.
Since returning to Ireland in 2006, he has combined clinical research with a busy clinical workload. He has led many randomised clinical trials of interventions in the delivery room and neonatal intensive care unit, including international multicentre trials and trials of investigational medicinal products. He has been a member of the Neonatal Task Force of ILCOR since 2006 and is a member of the Neonatal Review Group of the Cochrane Collaboration.
He is the Chief Investigator of the POPART study, an international multicentre randomised controlled trial of prophylactic oropharyngeal surfactant at birth to prevent respiratory failure in premature babies. POPART is supported by PedCRIN, an initiative of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 funding programme, and provides some respite from the demands of juvenile Camogie management and a burgeoning career in rock.

Dr Theresa Mariero Olasveengen (Norway)
Dr Olasveengen is a senior researcher and anaesthesiologist at Oslo University Hospital with a broad interest in cardiac arrest research; from qualitative studies in emergency medical dispatch to clinical studies, randomized trials and basic animal research.
Current research is concentrated on how to protect the brain in the immediate post-arrest phase. She is also chair of the International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation (ILCOR) Basic Life Support task force, and co-chair of the European Resuscitation Councils Basic Life Support Science and Education Committee, working to evaluate our current knowledge base in resuscitation science and translate this knowledge into guidelines and education.

Dr Federico Semeraro (Italy)
Federico Semeraro, MD, FERC is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy. He is Past President of Italian Resuscitation Council and SEC BLS co-chair committee European Resuscitation Council. From 2014, He is Italian National Coordinator for EuReCa One-Two study and referent for Italian Cardiac Arrest Registry (RIAC).
He is also project cooordinator of Relive Game (relivegame.org), a breathtaking picnic (https://goo.gl/6Bwu68) and Virtual Reality CPR project (https://goo.gl/xCeQTy).
His true passion is connection between medicine, training and innovation tecnhology applied to CPR training. He is affected by addiction for Star Trek and Star Wars. He is creator of #LLAP Live Long And Prosper campaign in 2018 (https://goo.gl/chp2Nq).
Major Sponsor

Trade Exhibitors

The Venue
Call for Abstracts and Poster Presentations
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts are required for ALL presentations including invited speakers.
The ‘Title’ box should be brief, but explicit and typed in capitals.
The ‘Authors/Presenters’ box must show initials and then surname only. The surname of the presenting author should be underlined.
The ‘Organisation/City’ box must show that only. Street address, postcode, state and/or country are not required unless outside Australia when only the city and country are required.
The abstracts should be no more than 250 words (this does not include titles, authors etc) and must be written in English.
Abbreviations should be used only for common terms. For uncommon terms, the abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word.
Time allowed for free paper presentations is 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Presentations must be provided in Power Point format.
Facsimiles of abstracts will not be accepted.
Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged.
Posters should not exceed 1.0m by 1.4m.
Presenters must provide their own materials for mounting the poster. Adhesive Velcro tabs are recommended.
Presenters will be required to attend their posters during a period of 1-2 hours indicated by the Conference Organiser, to answer questions from delegates and judges.
The poster should not be overburdened with detail – minimizing detail maximizes information transfer.
Posters should be in clear print that can be easily read from distances over one metre.
The title should also display the names of the author(s) and the institutions(s) of origin. Illustrations should be professionally created (hand drawn matter is unacceptable). The poster should contain the study objectives, methods, results and conclusion(s).
Authors may provide handout material relating to their poster.
Abstract submissions close 22 March 2019
Reimbursement of conference registration fee/s will be awarded for the best free paper and best poster at both the Neonatal Satellite Meeting and the SOL Conference.
Abstracts can be submitted and considered for prizes at both meetings if requested.
Next door to the ICC on Darling Harbour (conference venue)
Guests can contact reservations on +61 2 8388 8888 or [email protected]
The Hotel can offer 10% off the Rate of the Day (flexible) for guests attending the event.
To book guests can refer to:
The block ID: 136700
Block Name: ARC - 9-11th May 2019
Guests will need to provide a credit card at time of booking.

150 Day Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Delegates can book their accommodation direct with the hotel and receive a 10% discount off their best available rates. The room rate on the weblink changes daily as it is the best available rate of the day which is dependent on the hotels availability. The less rooms available at the hotel the higher the best available rate will be.
Please use this link www.panpacific.com/parkroyal/icc-sydney
Contact: Vicky Pene 02 9260 3084
The link above will give delegates a 10% discount
161 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
City View King
Room Only Rate Including WiFi
Contact Details:
Melanie Sidoroff
Direct Telephone : +61 2 9290 4886
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : Sydney.regency.hyatt.com
Booking Link: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/SYDRS/G-M630

139 Murray Street, Pyrmont, Sydney 2009
15% Discount – go to the following link and select OVOLOXBIZ
Details: Download PDF
88 Broadway, Sydney NSW
10% off BAR for delegates
Delegates can simply send an email and advise that you are attending ‘2019 Spark of life Conference’
All category of rooms are subject to availability
Contact Details:
E-mail : [email protected]
to make a reservation

383-389 Bulwara Road Ultimo, Sydney NSW 2007
15% off the Best Available Rate of the day
Delegates need to book direct with the hotel website to receive the discount (see below promo code and direct link)
Twin, triple, quad sharing available
Accommodation queries can be directed to [email protected]
Reservations Manager – Maria Tanako
Discount available 6 May – 15 May 2019
Promo Code: SOL
There are many other hotels within walking distance of the ICC on Darling Harbour